A. Background of the Study
Besides our mother tongue, Indonesian and Javanese language, we also learn English as our foreign language. English is very important because nowadays English already be one of the most important language. In other words by mastering English either actively or passively, we can grasp a half of this world, not only in business world but also in politics and also in education. Our government is aware of how important of English is, so they made English be one of the subject which is taught from playgroup until the university.
We can see the importance of writing in daily life and also in social life, like in education and business aspect. Writing also gives some other benefits. Besides being means of communication, writing can also create jobs. In beginning writing, it is just an activity to express our idea, opinion, or feeling in the text. Writing can also be a hobby to spend our time, but finally in this modern life, people can get money from doing their writing, for example a journalist, novelist or script writer.
Although, writing is very important for us, it is a difficult subject especially for the student. The reason is because writing is a mixture of our idea, vocabulary and also grammar, we also must pay attention to the grammar, so it is normal if the student think that writing is a difficult subject because they must pay attention to many things (idea, concept, vocabulary and grammar).
Besides that reason, there is another factor that makes writing be the most difficult subject. The other reason is that there are a lot of many kinds of texts in English, such as narrative, descriptive, recount, and many more. Each text has different characteristics. There are generic social function, structure and language features.
To solve that problem, the teacher also must try to develop the ability of writing, grammar and structure of the student, and they also must find out an interesting method or visual aid to teach writing, so they will be interested in writing class. According to Kreidler (1965 : 1) visual aid can be useful to the language teacher because;
1. They create situations which are outside the class room wall,
2. They introduce the students to unfamiliar cultural aspects,
3. They give reality to what might be understood, verbally by the students,
4. They change situations quickly and easily in a drill, provide decoration for the classroom.
Any kinds of visual aid that teacher uses must make the students comfortable with the material or the class so they can easily understand the lesson. Kreidler (1965; 41) also has another opinion, he said that :
Using any kind of method has goals to give the students the opportunity to express their own idea, using the language pattern that they have learned. And that the students need this kind of opportunity in order to begin to use English in a way that enables them to express their ideas, interest, feeling and needs, clearly, correctly and confidently.
Based on Kreidler opinion, the writer can conclude that visual aid has an important function that the teacher can use in teaching and learning process, visual aids can also give the students an opportunity to extend their ability and also to explore their talent. Since long time ago teacher already use any kinds of visual aid for example; in book, picture, song, real object, etc. In this final project the writer chose a film, Brother Bear in a writing class, the writer hopes that by using film the students will be more interested in learning writing in a class. According Charles et al (1985 : 129), he had an opinion :
A narrative is a story, a narrative writing is writing that tells about a story. We use narrative writing when we tell a friend about something interesting that happened to you at work or in school, when you tell someone a joke, or if you write about the events of the day in the privacy of a diary or journal.
A narrative text is very suitable for the students in writing class because they can easily express their own idea drawn from their own experience at school, house or anywhere, in their narrative writing.