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A. Latar Belakang Masalah

Secara Jitrah manusia memiliki potensi (kemampuan) untuk membina dan mengembangkan aspek-aspek rohaniah dan jasmaniah yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT. Pematangan potensi rohaniah dan jasmaniah ini dapat dicapai melalui proses pendidikan, karena pendidikan merupakan rangkaian dari bimbingan serta pengarahan terhadap potensi manusia yang berupa kemampuan dasar dan kemampuan belajar sehingga terjadilah perubahan dalam kehidupan pribadi manusia sebagai makhluk individu dan sosial.
Sarana yang paling strategis untuk mengembangkan potensi tersebut adalah melalui pendidikan. Pendidikan merupakan upaya sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik dapat mengembangkan potensi dirinya secara aktif untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan bagi dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.
Makna pendidikan secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai usaha manusia untuk membina kepribadian sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang ada di dalam masyarakat, dengan demikian bagaimanapun sederhananya peradaban masyarakat di dalamnya terjadi dan berlangsung proses pendidikan. Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapakan peserta didik melalui kegiatan bimbingan atau latihan bagi peranannya di masa yang akan datang. Pendidikan adalah suatu bimbingan secara sadar oleh pendidik terhadap perkembangan jasmani dan rohani anak didiknya menuju kepribadian yang baik.
Pendidikan merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Karena dengan pendidikan akan membantu membentuk kepribadian peserta didik di masa yang akan datang dan sekaligus juga mempunyai fungsi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan serta meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia Indonesia dalam rangka mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional.
Pendidikan nasional adalah pendidikan yang berdasarkan pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, yang berakar pada nilai-nilai agama, kebudayaan nasional Indonesia serta tanggap terhadap tuntutan perubahan zaman.
Pendidikan dapat menjadi tolak ukur bagi kemajuan dan kualitas kehidupan suatu bangsa, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kemajuan suatu bangsa dapat dicapai salah satunya adalah dengan melalui pembaharuan serta penataan pendidikan dengan baik. Jadi keberadaan pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat penting terutama dalam menciptakan kehidupan masyarakat yang cerdas, pandai, berilmu pengetahuan, berjiwa sosial, demokratis, serta berakhlak mulia.
Di samping pendidikan itu penting bagi umat manusia, pendidikan juga merupakan bagian yang penting bagi masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Pada era reformasi sebagaimana sekarang ini pembaharuan demi pembaharuan selalu diupayakan agar pendidikan benar-benar memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa berdasarkan pancasila.
Pendidikan menjadi cita-cita bagi setiap umat manusia terutama yang cinta kepada kebaikan, karena pendidikan merupakan salah satu media untuk mengangkat derajat manusia, bangsa dan negara sekaligus menyadarkan mereka untuk menuju pada kebahagiaan dan kesempurnaan kehidupan baik di dunia maupun di akhirat nanti. Hal tersebut sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surat Al Mujadalah ayat 11, bahwasannya Allah berjanji akan mengangkat derajat orang-orang yang beriman terutama bagi mereka yang berilmu pengetahuan yang luas dengan beberapa derajat. Adapun bunyi ayatnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Artinya :
"Allah (berjanji) akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha mengetahui terhadap apa yang kamu kerjakan".
Pendidikan merupakan tindakan antisipatoris, karena apa yang dilaksanakan dalam pendidikan sekarang akan diterapkan dalam kehidupan manusia di masa yang akan datang. Maka dari itu pendidikan saat ini harus mampu menjawab persoalan-persoalan dan dapat memecahkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi terutama pada saat ini. Pendidikan bukan suatu upaya yang sederhana melainkan suatu kegiatan yang dinamis dan penuh dengan tantangan.
Berdasarkan masalah tersebut di atas, maka para pendidik terutama pengembang dan pelaksana kurikulum harus senantiasa berfikir ke depan dan menerapkannya dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan tugasnya. Oleh karena itu tidak berlebihan jika sampai pada saat ini pendidikan masih dipandang sebagai suatu yang utama dan diutamakan dalam komunitas masyarakat bangsa dan negara. Itulah sebabnya pendidikan senantiasa memerlukan upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas dalam segala bidang.
Beberapa perbaikan dan perubahan yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan antara lain dilakukan penyempurnaan dalam bidang kurikulum, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, metode pembelajaran, buku-buku pelajaran, evaluasi dan penyempurnaan dalam memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa khususnya yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajarnya, sehingga dengan pembaharuan sistem pendidikan tersebut siswa akan lebih termotivasi dalam belajarnya sehingga akan diperoleh hasil pendidikan yang maksimal.
Selain mengadakan perbaikan tersebut di atas, dalam upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa adalah dengan mengimplementasikan full day school di mana pada sistem pembelajaran ini waktu bermain anak akan sedikit berkurang dan mereka lebih difokuskan untuk belajar di sekolah. Karena dalam sistem pembelajaran ini menggabungkan antara waktu belajar dan waktu bermain anak di sekolah selama sehari penuh mulai pagi hingga sore hari.
Dalam sistem pembelajaran full day school, proses pembelajaran tidak hanya menekankan belajar pada aspek kognitif saja akan tetapi di dalam sistem pembelajaran ini terdapat berbagai macam metode pembelajaran, yang tidak mendasarkan pada banyaknya informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru saja melainkan bagaimana siswa belajar pada : "how to learn", "how to do", dan "how to feel"
Pendidikan yang berkualitas adalah pendidikan yang mampu menghasilkan lulusan atau out put yang memiliki kompetensi (kemampuan). Kualitas dalam konteks pendidikan mengacu pada hasil atau prestasi belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa. Oleh karena itu maka pendidikan mampu menghasilkan "manusia seutuhnya" yaitu manusia dengan pribadi integral yang memiliki kemampuan, sehingga mereka dapat mengintegrasikan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta iman dan taqwa (IPTEK dan IMTAK).
Lulusan yang berkualitas dapat dicapai dengan melalui proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas pula, yaitu pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa (studen centered) bukan pada guru, dan di sini full day school adalah salah satu sistem yang proses pembelajarannya berpusat pada siswa. Lulusan yang berkualitas adalah lulusan yang dapat menguasai dan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan dengan nilai dan akhlak sehingga dapat meningkatkan harkat dan martabatnya serta berdampak pada penyebaran rahmat bagi seluruh alam.
Dalam pelaksanaannya, suatu lembaga pendidikan selalu ingin menghasilkan lulusan-lulusan atau out put yang baik, berkualitas, memiliki prestasi belajar yang bagus serta dapat diandalkan. Seorang siswa yang berhasil dalam menuntut ilmu tidak cukup dinilai hanya berhasil dalam bidang akademisnya saja, menduduki peringkat atas di kelasnya atau prestasi yang pernah diraihnya di sekolah, akan tetapi harus dilihat pula dari sisi kualitas kepribadiannya, kedalaman ilmu yang dikuasainya, penghayatan dan pengalaman etos belajarnya, keluhuran akhlak dan tingkah laku kesehariannya.
Selain itu, keberhasilan pendidikan dapat kita lihat dari beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah tercapainya tujuan pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan oleh DIKNAS. Namun yang paling utama adalah adanya perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku yang menonjol pada diri siswa. Dengan adanya perubahan pola pemikiran atas dasar pengetahuan atau ilmu yang diperoleh dari seorang guru, dari pengalaman belajarnya serta interaksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya, sehingga keberadaan seorang guru sangat berpengaruh bagi perkembangan siswa selanjutnya.
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan sepintas peneliti tentang pelaksanaan pendidikan di salah satu lembaga pendidikan agama yang ada di Kabupaten X, di mana lembaga pendidikan agama ini telah melakukan kebijakan full day school dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Di samping adanya pembaharuan dan pengembangan kurikulum juga diikuti dengan keaktifan para guru dalam melaksanakan tugas mengajanya.
Full day school merupakan salah satu inovasi baru dalam bidang pendidikan di mana proses kegiatan belajar mengajarnya mewajibkan civitas akademika berada di sekolah mulai dari pagi hari hingga sore hari dan salah satu kegiatan pada sistem pembelajaran full day school adalah mengerjakan tugas di sekolah dengan bimbingan seorang guru yang bersangkutan.
Mengingat hal tersebut, maka Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) X telah menerapkan suatu cara alternatif guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Alternatif yang digunakan oleh MAN X adalah dengan cara mengubah metode pembelajaran yang menarik yang sekarang ini umum dikenal dengan sistem pembelajaran full day school.
Implementasi full day school di MAN X telah berjalan selama hampir 8 (delapan) tahun, yaitu mulai tahun ajaran 2001-2002 sampai dengan sekarang. Kebijakan ini dilakukan kepala madrasah dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan yang berstandart nasional. Pada awalnya implementasi full day school di MAN X berjalan selama 4 (empat) hari yaitu hari senin sampai dengan hari kamis dan dikhususkan bagi siswa kelas XII dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dan mempersiapkan siswa MAN X dalam menghadapi ujian akhir nasional (UAN).
Seiring dengan keberhasilan dari implementasi full day school yang didukung dengan manajemen madrasah yang bagus, maka pada tahun ajaran 2006-2007 kepala madrasah mengadakan perubahan dalam waktu pelaksanaannya sehingga pada saat ini implementasi full day school berlaku bagi seluruh siswa MAN X dan berlangsung selama 3 (tiga) hari mulai hari senin hingga rabu. Sedangkan untuk hari kamis, jum'at dan sabtu difokuskan pada kegiatan non akademik supaya siswa MAN X lebih mandiri.
Selain itu, MAN X merupakan lembaga pendidikan agama di mana keberadaannya sangat berpengaruh dalam mengembangkan pengetahuan agama dan pengetahuan umum pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Dengan adanya deskripsi tersebut, maka peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka perlu diadakan penelitian tentang implementasi full day school di MAN X. Dengan pertimbangan lembaga pendidikan ini merupakan satu-satunya lembaga pendidikan agama yang ada di Kecamatan X, Kabupaten X yang telah mengimplementasikan sistem pembelajaran full day school. Oleh karena itu dalam skripsi ini peneliti tertarik untuk mengambil judul "IMPLEMENTASI FULL DAY SCHOOL DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA DI MAN X KABUPATEN X"

B. Rumusan Masalah
Dari fenomena di atas, maka dalam skripsi ini peneliti akan merumuskan masalah yang akan dibahas yaitu sebagai berikut :
1. Bagaimana implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X ?
2. Apa saja faktor penghambat implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X ?
3. Bagaimana upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X ?

C. Tujuan Penelitian
Adapun tujuan dari penelitian skripsi ini adalah untuk :
1. Menjelaskan tentang implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
2. Menjelaskan faktor-faktor penghambat implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
3. Menjelaskan upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.

D. Manfaat Penelitian
Dalam mempelajari suatu ilmu pengetahuan tidak hanya cukup mempelajari teorinya saja, akan tetapi adanya penelitian juga merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk perkembangan ilmu selanjutnya. Dalam hal ini penulis berharap agar penelitian ini bermanfaat :
1. Sebagai bahan informasi dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, inovasi, evaluasi dan pengambilan kebijakan oleh kepala madrasah guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
2. Sebagai bahan kajian bagi instansi lembaga pendidikan terkait, untuk turut andil dalam mengelola sekaligus mengembangkan kegiatan pendidikan dalam usaha meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
3. Sebagai sumbangan pemikiran mengenai masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa, faktor-faktor penghambat dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa yang sedang dihadapi MAN X.

E. Ruang Lingkup Pembahasan
Dalam penelitian ini agar pembahasan dari permasalahan yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini tidak meluas sehingga tidak menimbulkan salah interpretasi, maka dalam penulisan skripsi ini perlu adanya pembatasan masalah terkait dengan tema. Peneliti akan menjelaskan secara rinci tentang wilayah penelitian dan ruang lingkup permasalahan yang akan diteliti, agar dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai posisi penelitian ini, sehingga langkah, arah, dan tujuan penelitian ini terkonstruksi dengan baik sehingga tidak menimbulkan ambigu.
Ruang lingkup masalah dalam hal ini hanya membahas tentang bagaimana implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X, faktor penghambat implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X, serta upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.

F. Penegasan Judul
Dalam rangka menghindari kemungkinan terjadinya pemahaman atau penafsiran yang tidak sesuai dengan makna yang penulis maksudkan, untuk itu dipandang perlu penegasan istilah judul dalam penelitian ini, maka dari itu penulis tegaskan sebagai berikut :
1. Full day school merupakan sebuah sistem pembelajaran yang dilakukan sehari penuh di mana proses kegiatan belajar mengajarnya mewajibkan civitas akademika berada di sekolah mulai dari pagi hingga sore hari sehingga rentan waktu belajar di sekolah relatif lebih lama. Agar siswa tidak merasa jenuh dengan sistem pembelajaran full day school maka seorang guru harus memiliki strategi pembelajaran yang bervariasi, sehingga mampu menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan dan menjadikan sekolah sebagai rumah bagi siswa, menghindarkan siswa dari kejenuhan dan menjadikan kebahagiaan bagi siswa.
2. Prestasi belajar siswa adalah hasil yang telah dicapai oleh siswa dalam bidang akademik setelah ia menyelesaikan proses kegiatan pembelajaran di suatu lembaga pendidikan tertentu, sehingga mengalami perubahan dalam bentuk tingkah laku sebagai hasil pengalaman belajar melalui interaksi dengan lingkungannya yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk pengetahuan, kecakapan, pemahaman, keterampilan dan sikap.

G. Sistematika Pembahasan
Dalam penulisan skripsi ini secara keseluruhan terdiri dari enam bab, yang masing-masing bab disusun dalam sistematika sebagai berikut :
Bab pertama berisi pendahuluan yang di dalamnya memuat tentang latar belakang masalah, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, manfaat penelitian, ruang lingkup pembahasan, penegasan judul dan sistematika pembahasan.
Bab kedua merupakan kajian teori yang menguraikan tentang konsep full day school yang meliputi : pengertian full day school, pengelolaan full day school, sistem pembelajaran full day school dan metode yang digunakan. Selain itu akan diuraikan tentang konsep prestasi belajar yang meliputi : pengertian prestasi belajar, faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar serta teknik menentukan prestasi belajar. Terakhir akan diuraikan tentang implementasi full day school yang meliputi : implementasi full day school, faktor penghabat implementasi full day school dan upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school.
Bab ketiga memuat tentang metodologi penelitian yaitu meliputi : pendekatan dan jenis penelitian, kehadiran peneliti, lokasi penelitian, sumber data, metode pengumpulan data, analisis data, pengecekan keabsahan data dan tahap-tahap penelitian.
Bab keempat memuat tentang hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode dan prosedur yang telah diuraikan pada bab tiga. Uraian ini berisi tentang deskriptif data yaitu latar belakang obyek penelitian yang meliputi sejarah berdirinya obyek, letak geografis, visi dan misi serta tujuan, struktur organisasi, keadaan guru dan pegawai serta siswa MAN X, keadaan sarana dan prasarana MAN X. Terakhir akan diuraikan tentang implementasi full day school, faktor penghabat implementasi full day school dan upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X Kabupaten X.
Bab kelima berisi tentang pembahasan dan analisis data yang meliputi implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X, apa saja faktor penghambat implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X, dan upaya mengatasi hambatan implementasi full day school dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN X.
Bab keenam merupakan bab terakhir, yaitu penutup yang memuat tentang : kesimpulan yang di dalamnya menyimpulkan secara keseluruhan masalah dan dilanjutkan dengan saran-saran yang bersifat konstuktif sebagai alternatif solusi yang diberikan penulis untuk kemajuan MAN X Kabupaten X.





A. Background of the Study
We communicate with each other, directly or indirectly in the society. In a direct communication, speaking skills become very important. Speaking is a productive skill in the oral mode. Speaking is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words. The purpose of real communication is to accomplish a purpose, such as conveying a message, obtaining information, or expressing an opinion. In real communication, participants must manage uncertainty about what the other person will say. Authentic communication involves an information gap; each participant has information that the other does not have. In addition, to achieve their purpose, participants may have to clarify their meaning or ask for confirmation of their own understanding.
Some communication situations are associated with a predictable set of spoken exchanges - a script. Greetings, apologies, compliments, invitations, and other functions that are influenced by social and cultural norms often follow patterns or scripts. So do the transactional exchanges involved in activities such as obtaining information and making a purchase. In these scripts, the relationship between a speaker's turn and the one that follows it can often be anticipated. If we don't have good speaking skill, it may causes miss understanding one other.
Good communication skills require a high level self-awareness. By understanding our personal style of communicating, we will go a long way towards creating good and lasting impressions with others.
Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of their accomplishments in spoken communication.
A teacher has to master language skills, covering speaking, writing, listening, or reading. Therefore he can help the students to improve their language skills too. Every student has different ability in mastering language skill. Some students are good at speaking but not good at reading or writing conversely. Students have different intellectual abilities. They think and learn differently. Some learning patterns will have been developed as a result of the schooling experience where materials were largely presented in a way that benefited students with linguistic or numeric abilities. As a result innate learning styles may not have been developed and students may need to be encouraged to identify their own learning pattern.
There are various ways of classifying differences in learning styles. Many theories and models have been proposed. Some learning styles classifications include :
1. Left and right brain thinkers
2. Auditory, visual and aesthetics learners
3. Activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists
Each learner will have a preferred way in which to process information. In many instances, tutors will not have the time required to determine their students learning styles. Neither may the tutor have the expertise to analyze individual learning styles or conduct the tests that are available.
The key consideration for tutors is not to rely on one teaching strategy. It is important to remember that some students don't learn very well by just listening and taking notes. Some may have a more limited attention span than others and like activity in class. Understanding the many ways in which people learn is crucial when planning and delivering a course. 
Students often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning process. Effective instructors teach students speaking strategies using minimal responses, recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about language that they can use to help themselves expand their knowledge of the language and their confidence in using it. These instructors help students learn to speak so that the students can use speaking to learn.
Sometimes some habit may also influence student ability, for example a student who likes reading a book, improve his reading skill, a student who likes listening to songs, improve his listening or speaking skill automatically, a singer who sings English song, usually has good pronunciation. In this research the writer tries to investigate the correlation of habit in singing and listening to English songs and speaking skill.
The writer considers that so many language skills can be learnt from a song. There are so many advantages we can take from a song. By singing a song we can learn to speak English fluently. We can learn how to pronounce a word, understand the meaning of a word and also how to arrange words into a good sentence. We can also get more vocabulary from the song lyrics and learn another language skill such as listening, and also reading from a song.
In this study the writer wants to find out whether there is a correlation between the students' habit in singing and listening to English songs and their language skills, that is speaking skill.
In the speaking skill cannot be separated from other language skills such as vocabulary mastery. An expert says that vocabulary is the basics skill for communication. If someone does not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who addressed them, they will be unable to participate in the conversation. It means that the vocabulary mastery is also important factor in speaking skill. Therefore, in this study the writer also wants to find out whether there is a correlation between the students' vocabulary mastery and speaking skill.
The writer chooses the students of vocational school as the subject of the research because they can be categorized as teenage learners, and teenage learner usually like songs, game and something fun. An expert argues that teenage students are good language learners. Psychologically, they have been able to control their emotions. Teenagers, if they are engaged, have a great capacity to learn, a great potential for creativity, and a passionate commitment to thing which interest them. Furthermore students of vocational school are prepared to the real work world, they have to have good speaking skill for their communication with everyone.
In this thesis, the writer tries to find out if there is significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery and speaking skill. The writer wants to learn if there is significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, the vocabulary mastery and the speaking skill. The writer just wants to investigate the contribution of students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery for their speaking skill. Therefore the results of this study can be used as approach to teach speaking, especially for vocational school students.
Based on the above description, the writer wants to carry out research to know whether there is a positive correlation between the students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery and their speaking skill, especially for the eleventh grade student of SMK X.

B. Problem Identification
Based on the background, the writer finds some problems, as follows :
1. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery?
2. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and speaking skill?
3. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and reading skill?
4. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and writing skill?
5. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and listening skill?
6. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill?
7. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and listening skill?
8. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading skill?
9. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing skill?
10. Is there any correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery and speaking skill?

C. Problem Limitation
The writer limits the problem of this thesis on the three variables, that is student's habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill. The research subject is the eleventh grade students of SMK X. The correlation method is used to examine the coefficient of correlation between the variables.

D. Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the study and problem limitation, the formula of the problem as follows :
1. Is there a positive significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs and speaking skill.
2. Is there a positive significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking skill.
3. Is there a positive significant correlation between habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery simultaneously and speaking skill?

E. The Benefits of the Study
The result of the research give information about students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, their vocabulary mastery, and their speaking skill. This information can be used to decide whether these factors must be improved or not.
The result of the research gives information about the degree of correlation between students' habit in singing and listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill. It can be used for the teacher to decide whether the speaking skill can be improved by the two factors or not.





This chapter elaborates background, research questions, aims of study, limitation of study, hypothesis, research methodology which presents four parts namely research design, population and sample, data collection, data analysis. Moreover, clarification of the term and organization of the study are in the end of the chapter.
1.1 Background
Speaking is included in productive aspect as a communicative competence, in which means that there is a process to conceptualize data happen in a brain then produce it as an orally information. In line with the statement, Harmer (2001) says that the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language 'on the spot'.
Learning speaking means learning an interactive processing of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information, stated by Brown (1994) quoted by Florez (1999). Its form and meaning are dependent on the context, participants' experiences, physical environment, and the purposes of speaking.
Like three other categories of language performances; listening, reading and writing, speaking is viewed as the significant one. Speaking is a sort of productive skill which is used in oral model. It means that through speaking people produce words, expressions, or utterances to express our ideas and feelings as well as to respond towards particular situations.
It is in line with Kartimi (1986 : 38) that speaking is an instrument for communicating thought, feeling, idea and intention to other people through spoken language, in order that what we say can be understood by the listeners.
Speaking is a way of expressing ourselves in whatever language we use. The most motivating language to learn therefore enables us to talk in a way that is true to our personality. As described by Hendarsyah (2003) cited in Mulgrave and Tarigan (1987 : 24), speaking is defined as a tool for conveying (message) almost directly to figure out whether or not it is understood by the listener and whether or not the materials are comprehended by both the speaker and listener.
As one of language skills, speaking competence in English subject is taught in Vocational School (SMK) for the English Teaching-Learning requirement. In terms of level, Vocational School has the same grade with Senior High School. This study observes the second graders which are in Elementary Level with Competence Standard that is to communicate English which is equal to Elementary Level. Furthermore, Basic Competence is to comprehend daily conversation in professional and personal context.
The language teaching success has something to do with teacher's involvement to improve students' speaking ability. Therefore, teacher needs some efforts to attain that purpose, one of them is by doing the arrangement procedures as Lynch and Anderson (1992) states :
All the speaking tasks involve three elements : preparation, performance, and feedback. They have been designed to make you think as well as speak and listen. Becoming a more effective communicator is not simply. It is a matter of practicing the spoken comes from planning how to approach a speaking task and evaluating how well you spoke.
One of alternative technique used in teaching speaking is guessing game technique, in which students are expected to be involved actively in speaking class activity. Guessing game which is adopted from a television and radio game can create the teaching-learning situation based on the students' excitement of playing game. Thus, students are much courage in thinking what they want to say.
Through guessing game, students are provided by a set of well-arranged activities as follows : an object's picture is shown to the chairperson; in addition the chairperson tells a clue to the team that the object is household tools, clothes, vehicles or any other stuff. In finding the answer of what the object is, the team should ask yes or no questions to the chairperson, for instance "is it for helping us?" Therefore, the chairperson is allowed only to say 'yes' or 'no'. The team will get point if they guess the answer by having twenty questions or more.
There are some tasks that teacher can instruct to the students to do the activities in guessing game. Byrne (1987 : 21) says as follows : name of the object, spell the object, say something about the object, give one or more uses for the object, say what they would do with the object if they had it, and make up sentence using the object.
In conducting this kind of game, teacher and students can work each other to build a good atmosphere of teaching-learning process in class. This technique requires teacher to facilitate students with some new chunks, it also gives a chairperson an experience to process his/her peers' speaking in front of class. Meanwhile, for the rest, this game motivates them to make a question with loud and clear voice and then explore some new chunks and language exposure in one time.
This study is expected to have some contributions to the language teaching-learning process, especially for teaching speaking in Vocational School. Therefore, it serves as an alternative in teaching speaking strategies in order to improve students' speaking ability.

1.2 Research questions
This study is conducted to reveal the following research questions :
1. Is guessing game effective in improving students' speaking ability?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Guessing Game technique from the students' point of view?
3. What strategies do the students use to overcome obstacles in learning speaking by using Guessing Game?

1.3 Aims of Study
This study is aimed at :
1. Finding out whether guessing game is effective in improving students' speaking ability.
2. Finding out the advantages and disadvantages of Guessing Game technique from the students' point of view.
3. Finding out the strategies used to overcome the obstacles in learning speaking by using Guessing Game technique.

1.4 Limitation of Study
This study emphasizes on the effectiveness of the use of Guessing Game in teaching speaking. The study will be conducted in SMKN X by selecting two classes in same level of speaking as a control group and an experimental group. Furthermore, this study is hopefully able to give an alternative teaching model in teaching speaking.

1.5 Clarification of the Term
In order to avoid unnecessary misinterpretations, some terms are clarified as follows.
1. Guessing Game is a game in which class divided into four groups, one chairperson is given a picture of the object, and then tells a group that the object is household tools, clothes, vehicles or any other stuff. The groups are required to find the answer by asking yes or no questions, for at least twenty questions. A group which has made twenty questions and answered correctly will be the winner.
2. Speaking is the ability of speaker to convey message to the hearer in intention to be understood by the hearer, as well as the capability of expressing ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions in spoken language.

1.6 Organization of the Study
This study will begin with preface, abstract and will be divided into five chapters, namely (1) Introduction, (2) Theoretical Foundation, (3) Research Methodology, (4) Findings and Discussion, (5) Conclusion and Suggestion.
Chapter one will provide the background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, limitation of the study, research methodology, research design, population and sample, data collection, data analysis, clarification of terms, and organization of the paper.
Chapter two will focus on the review of related theories and literatures related to Speaking, Teaching Speaking in Classroom, Game and Guessing Game.
Chapter three will contain further explanation about methodology of the study that has been briefly introduced in Chapter 1.
Chapter four will cover data collected, data analysis and the interpretation of the findings from the study by using certain statistical formula so that it would be easier to discuss.
Chapter five will explore the conclusion of the study and also suggestion for further study.




The chapter presents general points of the study including background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, method, and organization of the paper.
Writing is very important in learning language. Writing also plays a very significant role in the success of learning Thomson (1978) in Emilia (1996 : 5). Therefore, it is not surprising in Indonesia that writing has been paid more attention to by the government. This can be seen from the last two curricula of English for secondary school (Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (KBK/Curriculum Based Competence) and kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP/Curriculum of Educational Unit)). These two curricula put a strong emphasis in writing. The students are told to write different text types including, recount, descriptive, procedure, exposition, discussion, report, Narrative, news item, etc.
The current curriculum for senior high school released by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) states that one of the main purposes of English in this stage of education is comprehending and creating various short functional text types and monolog and also essays of procedures, descriptive, recount, Narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, review, and public speaking. From the BSNP, it can be seen that the curriculum gives emphasis in writing various text types, unexceptionally Narrative.
However, research on the students' ability and difficulties in writing has not been well documented by expert in Indonesia. Thus, this research tried to investigate the students' ability and difficulties in writing those texts, particularly Narrative.
Narrative is one of the two modes of our thinking (Bruner 1986, cited in Abdulmanan 2008 : 2). While communicating with others, we may describe an incident as a way of explaining his/her thought or a part of his/her argument. As much, (cited in Abdulmanan 2008 : 2) Narrative is usually an essential text type required to practice in writing class for learners of English as a foreign language. However, when it comes to the first graders' composition in X, some students who are lacking in practice and having limited vocabularies to tell their imagination often do not have much to say.
In this research, the writer focuses on analysis of a Narrative text written by first graders of one SMAN in X. Based on the writer's observation the students still found it difficult to make a Narrative text, moreover there was limited research that revealed about the reason why they have difficulties in writing a Narrative text.
Regarding the above phenomenon, it is thus necessary to conduct research which focuses on the students' ability and difficulties in writing a Narrative text. This research is also expected to investigate ability and what difficulties that the students encountered. Knowing what difficulties that the students usually found, teachers are expected to know what to do to their students. In the end, this study will show the ability of the first graders of senior high school who write a Narrative text.

1.2.Research Questions
In line with the pursposes of the study above, this study will attempt to address the following questions :
1. How is the ability of students in writing a Narrative text?
2. What difficulties did the students find in writing a Narrative text?

1.3.Aims of The Study
The aims of this study are :
1. To identify students' ability in writing a Narrative text
2. To identify students' difficulties in writing a Narrative text

1.4.Scope of the study
As any other qualitative study, relevant to the problems have been formulated above, this paper has some limitations and can not be generalized into other situations. This paper only emphasized to investigate the ability and difficulties of first graders of one SMAN in X.

1.5.Significance of the Study
The writer expects this research can enrich the literature on research dealing with ability and difficulties of students in writing a Narrative text. The result of this can also give valuable information to teachers of teaching writing and to the students on the need of realizing the weaknesses in order to improve their ability in writing a Narrative text.
Moreover, for the teacher professionalism, it requires teachers to find teaching approach to develop students' ability in writing a Narrative text.

1.6.Organization of the Paper 
Chapter One : This chapter presents general points of the study including background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, method, clarification of term, and organization of the paper.
Chapter Two : This chapter elaborates theoretical overview that supports this study.
Chapter Three : This chapter provides details on method that will be applied on this study.
Chapter Four : This chapter presents, analyzes and discusses the finding.
Chapter Five : This chapter explores the summary of the study and also some suggestions for further better study.





1.1 Background
English is a widely spoken language, so it becomes a global language. As an international language, English has become a tool for International communication in every single life business. For the given reason, Indonesian government has decided that English becomes a compulsory subject that should be mastered by students from the elementary level to the college level.
Vygotsky (1962), in Wray (2006), in his investigating of the relationship between language and thought, he finds the unit of verbal though in word meaning. Vygotsky saw the meaning of a word representing a close relationship between language and thought. Swain (1985), in Lawtie (2006), notes that way to learning to speak is through speaking itself. It means the more practice to speaking the more oral skills will improve.
Nunan (1991), in Lawtie (2006), suggests that success in learn foreign language is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the target language. Therefore, if students do not learn how to speak or do no get any opportunity to speak in the target language, they soon get de-motivated and loose interest in learning. Nunan adds that if the right activities are taught in the right way, it can make speaking in class can be a lot of fun. For that reason, general learner motivation will raise and the English language classroom becomes a fun and dynamic place to be.
In English study, four language skills should be mastered are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In facts, speaking is one of the most important things in life, thus any expression of thought that comes from mind can be conveyed by speaking. For instance in daily lives most of people speak more than write. On the other hands, speaking a foreign language usually seems much harder than learning to write and read it. Often the most important problem people have with foreign languages is that they cannot speak.
Often the most important problem people have with foreign languages is that they cannot speak. Probably it happens because they shame to speak in the public. In fact, there are a vicious circle of speaking problem. First, people make mistakes when speaking, then they become afraid of speaking, and thus they never get the practice which would enable them to correct their mistakes.
While students are actively involved in the process of learning, they learn best. Students working in small groups tend to learn more of what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. Students energy increases, rewarding teams of students for performance is effective, and that appearing to increase the energy of the teams while they working together (Johnson, et all., 1981, cited by Gokhale 2006). In addition, Long & Richards (1987 cited by Lawtie 1996)), present that learner centered classrooms where learners do the talking in groups and learners have to take responsibility for using communicative resources to complete a task are shown to be more conducive to language learning than teacher centered classes.
According to Vygotsky (1978, in Gokhale 2006), students are capable of performing at higher intellectual levels when asked to work in collaborative situations than when asked to work individually. It is believed one of learning approaches that deal with working together is collaborative learning. In addition, Welch (2005) states that students learn best in a classroom where they feel free to express their ideas, they feel needed, and they feel comfortable with their peers.
In nutshell speaks, some variables take part in the success of learning, it is not only the cognitive factors, but also the personality factors such as motivation. Gardner (1985 : 27, cited in Fatriyani 2005) points that in some contexts, personality variables relate to listening comprehension and oral production and it is important. In addition, Krashen (1982 : 31) cited by Fatriyani (2005) proposed three variables related to the success of the Second Language Acquisition (SLA). First is Motivation it is assumed that high motivational performance would generally do better in SLA. Second is Self-confidence, it is understood that performance tend to do better in SLA if self-confidence and good self-image involved. The final is Anxiety, it is believed that the one of good support for SLA is the measurement of anxiety as personal or classroom anxiety.
Motivation and learning are so closely bound together, so dependent upon and affected by one another. Houston in his Motivation (1997) states that learning cannot occur unless the organism who involves in learning is motivated to learn. In teaching and learning process, not all learners were motivated to perform all classroom tasks, hence motivation being one of learning substance. The learners complete the tasks not because they want to get some cognitive or affective reward from the teacher, but because they feel fun, interesting useful or challenging in it (Brown, 2001).
The writer, therefore, is fascinated to observe the using of collaborative learning in encourage students to speak. In other words, the writer would like to know whether Collaborative Learning could improve students' motivation to speak English or not.

1.2 Research Questions
In accordance with the using of Collaborative learning in improving students' motivation to speak which is the main concern of this study, writer formulated the problem statements of the study as follow :
1. Can Collaborative Learning improve students' motivation to speak English?

1.3 Scope of the Study
In relation to the statements that have been formulated above, two variables are confirmed in this study. They are the use of collaborative learning and the students' improvement to speak English in speaking class and how Collaborative Learning influence students' motivation improvement in speaking class. The scope of this research, however, is limited to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative learning in order to improve students' motivation in speaking English.

1.4 The Aims of the Study
In general, this study is designed to figure out the use of Collaborative Learning in improve students' motivation to speak English. Particularly, the study has some aims as follow :
1. To find out whether or not collaborative learning can improve students' motivation to speak English.

1.5 Significance of the study
This study is generally expected to contribute values consideration to the whole educational subjects related to the second language teaching, especially in teaching speaking English. The writer hopes that the curriculum maker and the teacher could construct the materials of speaking learning that pay attention on psychological aspect for instance motivation.

1.6 Organization of the Paper
This paper is organized into five chapters. The first chapter includes introduction which discuss, background, research questions, scope of the study, the aims of the study, significance of the study, assumption, hypotheses, method of investigation, population and sample, data collection procedure, clarifications of the key terms, and organization of the paper.
The second chapter concerns on theoretical foundations that contains the related theories which is served as a basis of the investigation of research questions. The research methodology that covers population and sample, instrument, research design, and the data analysis is presented in chapter third.
The result and findings of the study is reported in chapter fourth. It consists of data interpretation, the analyzing of the data, and the interpretation of the data. The Last is chapter fifth which holds conclusion and recommendations that synchronize with the research findings.




1.1 Background
English is a crucial language since it plays an important role as a bridge to exchange information among countries in this globalization era. Such condition requires people to have proficiency in English. For that reason, in Indonesia English has been taught since in primary schools.
However, teaching English in primary schools "can be both a rewarding and a demanding experience" (Halliwell, 1992 : 2). Halliwell asserts that teachers need to be clear about what they are going to do. It includes how teachers treat learners in teaching-learning process.
In a classroom, learner A might be good at understanding materials through songs while learner B might demonstrate better understanding through pictures. It may be because student A has high sensitivity in musical thing while student B does not really catch up with it. Consequently, teachers should take into account learners' strengths in designing learning activities.
Based on the explanation above, many language educators start to use a new approach to maximize learners' strengths (Armstrong, 2009). Then, Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory emerged and it has been used in Indonesia. MI theory states that someone may possess different intelligences from other people. These intelligences are linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist (Baum, Viens & Slatin, 2005; Campbell & Campbell, 1999; Fleetham, 2006; Gardner, 2003).
MI theory has been reported to be effective in developing individual capacity. Chen's work (2005) in a classroom for junior college students in Taiwan showed that MI benefitted students in encouraging them to learn English and improving their four language English skills. Other related studies conducted in Indonesian young learners' classroom settings (see Dewi, 2007; Elroy, 2008; Komariah, 2007; Marliani, 2007; Paridawati, 2007; Suhartatik, 2008; Sundusiah, 2005). Dewi (2007) explained that MI theory helped students improve their abilities, such as imitating sounds and knowing new vocabulary. Elroy (2008) and Marliani (2007) found that MI theory created a fun and meaningful English learning. Additionally, Paridawati (2007) stated that MI theory improved students' English vocabulary achievement while Sundusiah (2005) discovered that MI theory improved students' English writing. Furthermore, Komariah (2007) and Suhartatik (2008) asserted that MI-based instruction was influential in encouraging students to learn English. Therefore, MI theory can be implemented in this present study.
This study attempts to investigate if MI theory has been attended to by the observed teacher, the advantages and the barriers of MI implementation in the classroom. The results of the study are expected to contribute to the development of MI implementation in classroom. In addition, through MI theory, teachers are encouraged to conduct a teaching-learning process which emphasizes on students' strengths. The idea of MI theory can also help students at all levels recognize their highly-developed and less-developed intelligences. Therefore, they can implement MI theory in their learning activities in order to maximize their potentials.

1.2 Research Questions
The study addressed the following questions :
1. Has multiple intelligence theory been attended to by the teacher in the classroom?
2. If multiple intelligence theory has been attended to, what are the advantages and barriers of implementing it in the teaching-learning process?

1.3 Aims of the Study
This study aimed to investigate :
1. If multiple intelligence theory has been attended to by the teacher in the classroom.
2. The advantages and barriers of implementing multiple intelligence theory in the teaching-learning process.

1.4 Significance of the Study
In X, where the present study took place, few studies related to Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory implementation in the classroom have been conducted. Therefore, this study is urgent as it will contribute to the development of MI implementation in classroom, especially for the school where this study is conducted.
Even though MI is a well-known theory among language educators, not every single teacher at schools has already known about it. Some teachers may have understood about it while some others may not. Thus, this study presents a real picture on how MI-based teaching strategies are applied in classroom. Teachers can both adopt and adapt the teaching strategies for their teaching-learning process in the class.
MI theory gives teachers benefits not only in improving their pedagogical competence but also in developing their social competence. The teachers' understanding of MI theory can also affect their professionalism. MI theory encourages teachers to accommodate students' different strengths by providing a wide range of learning activities. Besides, MI theory enables teachers to assess students' performance based on their strengths. By doing so, students are given chances to demonstrate their best.
Although this study is focused on young learners, the idea of MI theory is universal. Students at all levels can implement MI theory in their learning activities. The results of this study are expected to encourage students at all levels to be aware of their highly-developed and less-developed intelligences. Therefore, they can maximize their strengths so that they are able to reach their success sooner.

1.5 Scope of the Study
The study focused on if MI theory has been attended to by the teacher in the classroom. In addition, the researcher attempts to find out advantages and barriers of implementing MI theory encountered by the teacher. This study was conducted in an elementary school located in X.

1.6 Clarification of Main Terms
a. Multiple Intelligence Theory : A theory, initially proposed by Gardner (2003), stating that someone may possess different intelligences from other people. These intelligences are linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence.
b. Young Learners : in this study, young learners are defined as learners at age 6 - 8 (first and third graders of elementary school).

1.7 Organization of the paper
This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one consists of background, research questions, aims of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, clarification of main terms and organization of the paper.
Chapter two provides theories that are relevant to the study. Chapter three contains research methodology that consists of research design, sites and participants, data collecting techniques, and data analysis. Chapter four reveals the findings and discussions. Chapter five presents the conclusions and suggestions.




This chapter introduces the present study. It provides background of the study, research questions, objectives of the study, scope of the study, and significance of the study. It also presents sites and respondents, methodology, establishing trustworthiness, clarification of key terms, and organization of the research paper.
1.1 Background
One of the objectives of teaching English as a foreign language is that students should be able to speak the target language (Hughes, 2002 : 47). It means that students should be able to communicate English fluently and accurately. In classroom interaction teachers adopt the target language to promote the communication between learners and themselves. In this way students practice the language by responding to what their teachers say. In other words, students are expected to actively participate in learning English. However, the result of students' acquisition particularly in speaking skill has not been satisfactory yet (Mulardi, 2000).
Many classroom activities lack of students' interaction and the students have little opportunities to practice English orally in the classroom. Besides, many students feel anxious to speak in the class (Padmadewi, 1999) and are likely to keep silent or tend to be passive when their teacher asks them some questions (Tutyandari, 2005). Those problems contribute to losing students' interest and enthusiasm to speak in the classroom. As a consequence, the classroom loses its active atmosphere.
Based on School Based Curriculum (2003), the standard competence of teaching speaking skill in Senior High School is expressing the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context. If the students cannot express their intentions or their ideas, the standard competence will not be achieved. Thus, the acquisition of students' speaking is far from being successful. The phenomenons above gives raise a question whether or not teachers apply appropriate ways or techniques in presenting the lesson.
Learning a foreign language is more difficult than learning students' mother tongue. Therefore, a good teacher should choose an appropriate technique to make it easier for them to learn (Mujayanah, 2004 : 2). Additionally, Semiawan & Joni (1993) state that a teacher is recommended use a teaching technique to enable students to use their communication competence optimally. Therefore, to get students' contribution in learning process, a teacher should apply appropriate techniques so that students can actively participate in the class.
In addition, to design and apply a technique in classroom interaction, the teachers need to be aware of implementing classroom interaction so that students can easily to follow and understand the lesson given. Brown (2000 : 275) summaries that techniques should fulfill student's needs, encourage students' motivation, provide appropriate feedback and correction, and give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.
In stimulating students' talk and discouraging students' silence in the classroom, the teachers may employ some appropriate techniques. One of which is to employ eliciting techniques. Coulthard (1975 : 28, as cited in Nurokhmah, 2009) mentions that there are six eliciting techniques to raise classroom language, i.e. eliciting inform, eliciting confirm, eliciting agree, eliciting commit, eliciting repeat, and eliciting clarify. Moreover, Slattery & Willis (2001 : 48-49) also state that there are five ways of eliciting language in the classroom, i.e. wh-questions, questions using intonation only, questions using inversion, unfinished sentence questions with rising intonation, and either/or questions.
Based on the explanations above, it can be said that teachers are required to be well prepared in presenting the lesson through supported activities or techniques including eliciting techniques to stimulate students' talk in the classroom. In other words, eliciting techniques can help students activate their communicative competence and use English language to express their feelings and ideas. As a result, classroom interaction will run more effectively and efficiently.
The previous studies showed that eliciting techniques significantly contributed to teaching-learning process, that is it created student-centered learning (Huyen, 2006; Nurokhmah, 2009). Huyen (2006) investigated the techniques used by the teachers to elicit 10th grader students' talk in Hanoi, whereas Nurokhmah (2009) investigated the elicitation techniques used by the teacher to encourage students' talk of the third-year students in Semarang. They found that eliciting techniques could stimulate the mastery of new vocabularies, motivated the students to talk, promoted students' answers, and provoked students' critical thinking.
Based on the consideration above, the present study tries to investigate the eliciting techniques used by the teachers to stimulate students' talk in classroom interaction. It also focuses on students' responses and teachers' feedback towards students' responses.

1.2 The Research Questions
The study is conducted to answer the problems formulated in the following questions :
1. What eliciting techniques do teachers apply to stimulate students' talk in classroom interaction?
2. How do students respond to teachers' eliciting techniques in classroom interaction?
3. How do teachers give feedback to students' responses in classroom interaction?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study
Based on the research questions formulated above, the study aims to :
1. investigate the eliciting techniques teachers apply to motivate students to talk in classroom interaction.
2. investigate the ways students respond to teachers' eliciting techniques in classroom interaction.
3. investigate the ways teachers give feedback to students' responses in classroom interaction.

1.4 The Scope of the Study
Based on Indonesian educational system, English is taught in four skills, one of which is speaking skill. The study focuses on students' talk particularly in classroom interaction. In other words, the study covers teachers' eliciting techniques based on Coulthard (1975 : 28) and Slattery & Willis (2001 : 48-49) theories. The theories are employed by the teachers in stimulating students' talk in four classes at one of the senior high schools in X. The analysis centers on teachers' abilities in applying the eliciting techniques in classroom setting from beginning through the end of learning process.

1.5 The Significance of the Study
The study hopefully can describe how teachers applied the eliciting techniques particularly in simulating students' talk in the classroom. The findings of the study are expected to contributing theoretically and practically to the improvement of teaching and learning process. In addition, the findings can give teachers some valuable inputs and references to develop their teaching performances in the classroom. Moreover, the result of the study can provide valuable information and serve as document for English teachers especially for the teachers at the school being investigated.
The study is also important for the students. It is expected that the students can more actively participate, not anxious to speak English, brave in answering teachers' questions, and they are able to communicate English well. Furthermore, the study can give contribution for the other researchers as their references in conducting further research. They may get other techniques to encourage students to talk or they can also develop another study to solve the problems as contribution for improving our education.

1.6 Clarification of Key Terms
To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and ambiguity, some terms used in the study are clarified as follows :
1.6.1 Teachers' techniques
Techniques are ways in presenting the language to the students (Brown, 1995 : 14). Hence, teachers' techniques are a set of ways or techniques used by the teachers in doing something in achieving certain objectives.
1.6.2 Eliciting Techniques
According to Cambridge Learner's Dictionary (Walter, 2004), eliciting is aimed to get information or a reaction from someone. Thus, eliciting techniques is a way used by the teacher to get students' responses in classroom.
1.6.3 Classroom Interaction
Brown (2001) states that "interaction is the collaborative exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas between two or more people, resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other." Therefore, classroom interaction is a place in which the teachers and students are interacting each other to get certain information such as asking and answering questions, making comments, and discussing.

1.7 Organization of the Research Paper
The research study is organized into five chapters. Each chapter is subdivided into subtopics that elaborated the given issue. The chapter is arranged as follows :
Chapter I is introduction. It includes the background of the study, the research questions, the scope of the study, the objectives of the study, the significant of the study, site and participants, methodology, clarification of key terms, and organization of the research paper.
Chapter II is theoretical foundations of the topic. It provides theoretical foundation of the study which is relevant to be used in conducting the research. The theoretical views include the nature of techniques and some techniques used by the teachers in stimulating students' talk.
Chapter III focuses on research methodology. It includes research design, site and participants, research procedure, instruments, ethical consideration, establishing trustworthiness, data analysis, and notes from the pilot study (pilot test).
Chapter IV elaborates findings and their discussions. It provides answers of the research problems. It also supplies the result of the research which consists of findings (data presentation).
Chapter V is conclusions and recommendations. It summarizes the findings and their discussions. In addition, recommendations for further researchers are offered.




1.1 Background
It is said that speaking is the basic skill of language learning. It is because speaking as verbal communication is the most common way for people to communicate to each other (Herlinda, 2010 : 18). This is the greatest challenge for young learners because to speak means that children, with the limited ability they have, have to speak and think at the same time. They are expected to be able to express their feelings, play and joke with their peers, deliver opinions in classes and communicate orally in English (Scott and Ytreberg, 2004 : 33).
However, Widiyanto and Yomartono (Wahyuningsih, 2009 : 1) state that there is still lack of stimulation given in a classroom in formal school. It is observed from the fact that classroom tend to be quiet and learners are less motivated to speak. It is supported by Hartiyana (2008 : 1) who claimed that teachers in Indonesia are mostly missed in giving opportunities to their children to give a meaningful and contextual teaching and learning. In fact, students rarely speak English in other places except in their class. They can listen to English at home, read English at library, write English at blogs, but they have small opportunity to speak at somewhere else but in their classroom (Sriyati, 2010 : 15). Therefore, students nowadays are improving their speaking skill using various ways. One of the common ways is by taking English Course.
According to the statements of parents who were interviewed in preliminary research conducted informally by the researcher, their children were expected to be more fluent in speaking English than their classmates who did not go to English Course. It is because they believed English Course would give students room to speak English more than at school. As Lawti (2004) states that :
... if students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon get de-motivated and lose interest in learning. If the goal of your language course is truly to enable your students to communicate in English, then speaking skills should be taught and practiced in the language classroom.
Teachers in English Courses have more willingness to maximize the quality and the quantity of teaching techniques for practicing English because language classroom exists to provide enough support from the environment, something that most of students do not have, to talk in English naturally (Scott and Ytreberg, 2004 : 33).
Having some information about the significance of techniques implemented in English Courses, teachers in public schools can adapt or adopt the techniques to be implemented in their language classrooms. Hence, this research is conducted to discover, describe, and compile in-depth information about techniques of teaching speaking to young learners employed by one of English Courses in X, and to identify whether there is obstacle from the techniques the teacher employs. The theory of Harmer about the P-P-P procedure (Presentation-Practice-Produce) is the grand theory of this research (Harmer, 2007 : 64). There is one children class of an English Course and one instructor of an English Course involved in this research. The result later is expected to be able to give significance contribution in teaching English to young learners in Indonesia.

1.2 Research Questions
There are two research questions addressed in this research :
1. What techniques does the teacher at a children class of an English Course employ in teaching speaking to young learners?
2. Is there any obstacle from the techniques employed?

1.3 The Aim of the Research
This research is aimed at :
1. Discovering teaching speaking techniques employed by a teacher at a children class of an English Course in teaching speaking to young learners.
2. Finding out whether there is any obstacle from the techniques employed.

1.4 Scope of the Research
This research focused on discovering the teaching speaking techniques employed by a teacher in an English Course for children class. Furthermore, this research was conducted to reveal whether there is any obstacle of implementing the techniques. Therefore, the researcher did not observe any other part of English language skills or any other age of learners.

1.5 Significance of the Research
The research is important to conduct since it is expected to contribute professional source in the teaching profession in Indonesia in particular, and to add more references in general. Having new information in professional source related to teaching speaking techniques for young learners, teachers in public schools as well as English language instructors in English Courses will improve their ability and provide various yet effective activities for their students especially in speaking skill. Furthermore, the research gives beneficial information about the present condition that appears in the teaching-learning activities in speaking lesson in an English Course. The findings later also provide some information to conduct other investigation in the same field with certain interest.

1.6 Clarification of Terms
1. Teaching Speaking Techniques
The teaching speaking techniques in this research is the way teachers in an English Course teach children classes in speaking lesson.
2. Techniques
Technique is any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. (Brown 2001 : 16 as cited in Meisara 2006 : 6)
3. Speaking ability
Speaking is the active use of language to express meanings so that other people can make sense of them. (Cameron, 2008 : 40)
4. English course
English course is a course of teaching English with a series of lessons or lectures on an English learning in which the aim is to make its students to be capable of using English fluently (Kastrena, 2005 : 1).
5. Comprehension
Comprehension is a process where the students understanding upon new language taught in the classroom is represented in order to organize and arrange material well. (Sadker and Sadker, 1977 as cited on Wahyuningsih, Weni, 2009).

1.7 Organization of paper
This research is divided into five parts. The first part of the research is Research Background which consists of burning issue, research statement and sample or population.
The second part of this research is Theoretical foundation. In this chapter, the researcher delivered the theories used to analyze the data gathered.
The third part of this research is Research Methodology which is divided into Research Design, Sites and Participants, Data Collecting Methods, and Data Analysis. The fourth part of this research is the Findings and Discussions and the last one is the Conclusion.




1.1 Background
In recent years, English has been taught in elementary schools. Many schools apply various techniques in teaching English to young learners. Unfortunately, these varieties of teaching English to young learners are not followed by appropriate assessment techniques (Georgiou and Pavlou, 2003 as cited in Masitoh, 2008). A research conducted by Rea-Dickins and Rixon (1999), entitled Assessment of Young Learners : Reasons and Means showed that a great majority of elementary English teachers in the world used paper and pencil tests as a major tool of assessment.
Many teachers still use traditional paper tests which are more appropriate for older learners (Pinter, 2006). In fact, assessing young learners is different from assessing older learner due to their different characteristics. Most children are notoriously poor test-takers : perhaps because they are sometimes confused by being asked questions that they think the teacher have already known the answers (Katz, 1998). Shepard (1994) stated that the younger the child being evaluated, assessed, or tested, the more errors are made (Shepard, 1994 as cited in Katz, 1998).
Young learners are difficult subject to assess accurately because of their activity level and distractibility, shorter attention span, and inconsistent performance in unfamiliar environment (McCauley, 2004). They have limited attention span, unless activities are extremely engaging (Harmer, 2004 : 38).
Young learners do not have the same ability as older children to regulate their behaviour. Their emotions change from one state to another within a matter of seconds. Consequently, assessment of young learners requires sensitivity to the child's background, and knowledge of testing limitations and procedures with young children (McCauley, 2004).
Teachers should consider everything such as age, content of language learning, method of teaching, aims, and learning theories before assessing young learners (Cameron, 2001 : 214). According to Cameron (2001 : 218-221), there are five principles in assessing children's language learning. The first principle is 'assessment should be seen from a learning-centred perspective'. The second principle is 'assessment should support learning and teaching'. The third principle is 'assessment is more than testing'. The fourth is 'assessment should be congruent with learning', and the last principle is 'children and parents should understand assessment issues'.
Having some information about those issues, this research is intended to discover, describe, and compile in-depth information about assessment techniques used by English teachers in three elementary schools in X to assess students' progress in learning English, and to reveal the teachers' reasons in choosing those techniques.

1.2 Research Questions
There are two research questions addressed in this research :
1. What kinds of assessment techniques are used by English teachers in elementary schools?
2. Why do teachers choose those assessment techniques?

1.3 Aims of The Research
This research is aimed :
1. To discover assessment techniques used by English teachers in elementary schools.
2. To reveal teachers' reasons in choosing those techniques.

1.4 Limitation of the Research
This research focuses on identifying assessment techniques used by English elementary teachers to assess young learners in three selected elementary schools in X. The research concerns with assessment techniques, and reasons for choosing those assessment techniques.

1.5 Significance of the Research
This research is expected to provide a portrait of the assessment techniques for young learners implemented in elementary schools and the reasons beyond those assessment techniques. Practically, it is expected to contribute professional source in teaching profession in Indonesia particularly, and to add more references in general. Hopefully, some assessment techniques revealed from this research become alternative assessments in assessing young learners. Therefore, it gives a significant contribution to English teachers in elementary schools in assessing young learners.

1.6 Clarification of the Terms
1. Assessment
According to Pinter (2006 : 131), assessment refers to the process of data analysis that teachers use to get evidence about their learners' performance and progress in learning. Assessment means the process of gathering information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences in learning English. (University of Oregon, Teaching Effectiveness Program). Assessment in this research refers to collecting information and making judgements about learners' knowledge of English.
2. Techniques
Technique is a method used in dealing with something (available in In this research, technique is any of a variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used for administering the assessment in the classroom.
3. English teacher
English teacher in this research refers to the one who teaches English in elementary school.
4. Elementary school
Elementary schools in this research refer to the elementary schools which put English as one of the subjects in their curriculum.
5. Young learners
Young learners in this research refer to those who are in the grade six of elementary school.

1.7 Organization of the Paper
This research is divided into five parts. The first part of the research is Introductions that consists of burning issue, research questions, aims of the research, significance of the research, and clarification of terms.
The second part of this research is Theoretical Foundation. In this chapter, the researcher delivered the theories used to analyze the data gathered.
The third part of this research is Research Methodology, which is divided into research design, sites and respondents, data collection techniques, and data analysis.
The fourth part of this research is the Findings and Discussions and the last one is the Conclusions and Suggestions.




1.1 Background
Speaking is one of four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) that have to be mastered in learning English. In KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), speaking is one of four skills which have to be mastered by senior high school students in Indonesia because speaking skill is tested in national exam. It means that every senior high school student has to master speaking skill. Besides that, speaking skill is very important to be mastered because it can help us to communicate with others well. Therefore, the speaking skill is totally required.
Speaking skill is very important to be mastered but the lack of teachers' ability to improve their students' speaking ability makes speaking skill hard to be mastered. Besides that, many teachers use bahasa Indonesia when they teach English in the classroom. Some teachers also teach speaking only by reading some dialogues and asking their students to read and make some dialogues. Those methods can make the students not accustomed to use English actively and assume that learning English is not interesting.
To solve the problem, we have to find an effective method in teaching speaking and improving the students' speaking ability. Brown (2001) stated that group work gives students more opportunities to speak. Group work is a generic term covering a multiplicity of techniques in which two or more students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and self-initiated language (Brown, 2001). It means that group work is one technique which can be used to stimulate students to speak more.
There are some activities which belong to group work. One of the activities is role play. According to Brown (2001), role play minimally involves (a) a giving role to one or more members of a group and (b) assigning an objective or purpose that participants must accomplish. Holden (1981) stated that the aim of the role play is for students to make up short dialogues using appropriate language and gestures. Stern (1980) in Alwahibee (2004) indicated that role-play activity is a classroom technique that has been recognized as a useful means of acquiring (teaching) a foreign language. Those statements about role play indicate that role play is one technique which can be used to improve students' speaking ability in foreign language, especially English.
Livingstone stated that role play is a classroom activity which gives the student the opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behavior, and the actual roles he may need outside the classroom (1983). Furness (1976) in Huang (2008) also stated that role play can improve communication skills and creativity, increase social awareness, independent thinking, verbalization of opinions, development of values, and appreciation of the art of drama. Role play can make the students act and place themselves as another person such as, a policeman, a receptionist, a doctor, and many more. Role play also can make the students more active and creative to speak in different conditions and situations.
The previous study on the role-play method, which was conducted by Alwahibee (2004), found that the experimental group of his study showed great gains in their oral skills after used role play method in teaching learning activities. This indicates that the use of role-play activity is very effective. Based on his study result, Alwahibee stated that role play is one of the activities that enhance the oral proficiency of the students.
In my opinion, teaching speaking using role play method will give different perception to the students about learning speaking. It will make the students more active, and make the teaching learning process more fun. Considering the use of role play method in improving students' speaking ability, the researcher attempts to prove the effectiveness of using role play method in improving students' speaking skill.

1.2 Reason for choosing the topic
Since speaking is one of four skills that have to be mastered by students in senior high school, senior high school students are demanded to improve their speaking ability. However, there are some problems in improving student's speaking skill, especially in English. The problems are the lack of teachers' ability in teaching speaking and the shyness of students to speak in English. To make successful teaching learning activities, especially in improving students' speaking ability, we have to find a good and effective method in teaching speaking.
Role-play method is one method which can be used in teaching speaking to improve students' speaking skill. With using this method, we can make students more active and braver to speak in English. It can also make the students able to act in different situations. Finally, it can improve students' speaking skill.

1.3 The statement of the problems
The following research questions are the focuses of this study :
a. Is using role play method effective in improving students' speaking ability in the first grade of senior high school?
b. What are the students' perceptions toward the role play method in improving their speaking skill?

1.4 The Scope of the study
The research of the study will be focused on the use of role play method in EFL classroom, especially in first grade students of senior high school, in improving students' speaking skill and the students' perception toward the method.

1.5 The aims of the study
The study is expected to find out :
a. The effectiveness of role play method in improving the students' speaking skill in the first grade of senior high school.
b. The students' perceptions of role play method in improving speaking skill in the first grade of senior high school.

1.6 Significance of the study
The result of this study highlights the use of role play method in improving students' speaking skill at a senior high school in X. This study is hopefully able to present a fact of the use of role play method in improving speaking skill of the students in that senior high school.

1.7 Organization of the paper
This paper will be presented in five chapters. The chapter will consist of several sub topics that will elaborate the different issues.
Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of background, reason for choosing the topic, the statement of the problems, the scope of the study, hypothesis, the aims of the study, significance of the study, research method, data collection, data analysis, population and sample, clarification of terms, and organization of the paper.
Chapter II is Theoretical Foundation. It presents theoretical framework on the issue. It consists of the definition of Role Play, the description of Role Play method in EFL classroom activity, the procedures in using Role Play, a brief history of role play, and the advantages and disadvantages of using role play method.
Chapter III is Research Methodology. It provides the method of the research which consists of formulation of the problems, research design, research procedures, and data analysis procedures.
Chapter IV is Research Findings and Discussions. It provides the data presentations that describe the result of the research as well and the analysis of the data.
Chapter V is Conclusions and Suggestions. It presents the conclusion of the paper and suggestions for further research.